Adding Contacts Manually

There are several ways to add new contacts to Agent Legend.

From the Dashboard

At the top of the main Dashboard, there is an "Add Contacts" button. Clicking this will open a form where you can add one or more contacts.

From the Contacts Dashboard

There is a similar button at the top of the Contacts Dashboard. Clicking this will open a form where you can add one or more contacts.

From the Campaign Detail Page

When viewing a campaign detail page, you'll see a section titled Contacts in one of the cards. At the bottom of this section, there is an "Add contacts" link. Clicking this will open a form where you can add one or more contacts.

Other Notes

To save a contact, you must have at least one piece of contact information; Either a phone number or email address.

Agent Legend does rule out duplicate contacts based on their contact information. Contacts cannot be added to the same campaign twice

Agent Legend does monitor for invalid phone numbers. If your contact's phone number is obviously invalid or non-domestic, it will not be imported.